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- About Us | Mittelstand-BRICS
Mittelstand-BRICS ermöglicht den Austausch zwischen deutschen Unternehmen des Mittelstands und Unternehmen in BRICS-Staaten. Tauschen Sie sich mit anderen Firmen aus, um Ihre geschäftliche Basis trotz der politisch unsicheren Zeiten nachhaltig abzusichern. Invest in Germany Mittelstand-BRICS enables the exchange between German medium-sized companies and companies in BRICS countries. Exchange ideas with other companies to secure your business basis in the long term despite the politically uncertain times. You would like to invest in companies in Germany to save them in economically difficult times? We prepare the necessary research and feasibility studies for you - independently, competently and with an open mind. Especially today's multi-crisis offers considerable opportunities for you as an investor to get involved in German key technologies. Our models always aim at the preservation and expansion of endangered medium-sized companies that possess unique technological know-how . We are also happy to help you find German business real estate and land. Since we do not act as brokers ourselves, we can investigate the best offers on the market on your behalf - regardless of whether they are available through brokers or without brokers. If you are looking for new markets and sales opportunities for your company in BRICS countries, MITTELSTAND-BRICS is your best point of contact. INVESTING AND EXPORTING IN BRICS? WE WILL GLADLY ADVISE YOU!
- Home | Mittelstand-BRICS
MITTELSTAND-BRICS ist eine Produktion der US Beratungsfirma CORAX CONSULTANTS LLC, die sich für einen fairen und für den deutschen Mittelstand wettbewerbsfähigen Handel einsetzt. Mittelstand BRICS Trade without bounderies In politically uncertain times, export opportunities and trade with the so-called BRICS countries are of outstanding importance for German medium-sized companies. At the same time, relations with Russia, China and Iran in particular are considered tense. MITTELSTAND-BRICS therefore shows legal and sanction-compliant ways and structures to enable business activities of medium-sized companies in all BRICS countries. At the same time, our website offers you the opportunity to exchange ideas and publish suggestions. Daily news and reports complete our offer. In addition, we offer top-class and exclusive services: On your behalf, we look for and find companies in financial difficulties that want to keep or expand their business with the help of investors. We also identify commercial real estate and land for you that will enable you as a foreign company to set up a new branch and produce in Germany. We help German companies to keep their production facilities in Germany - despite the gas crisis, inflation and other risk factors. Learn more News Feb 27, 2024 1 min read Terror risk Ebola: German S4 biolaboratories vulnerable German S3 and S4 biolaboratories are unprotected against terrorist attacks. Marburg, Ebola and Lassa viruses could be released in the... Feb 16, 2024 1 min read US looking at several options following Alexey Navalny’s death WASHINGTON, February 16. /TASS/. Washington is considering "a whole number of options" following the death of Russian blogger Alexey... Feb 14, 2024 3 min read Price of war Calculator: War consumes trillions Experience from past wars suggests that Ukraine will lose around $120 billion in economic output by 2026 and at the same time the... Feb 5, 2024 1 min read Yandex is sold for $5.2 billion IJSC Yandex, registered in Kaliningrad at the end of 2023, will become the new parent company of Yandex, the company said in a statement.... Jan 29, 2024 2 min read acatech and ARENA2036 cooperate Munich, January 26, 2024. The ARENA2036 research campus welcomes acatech - German Academy of Engineering Sciences - as a new member of... Jan 29, 2024 2 min read German bankruptcies continue According to preliminary information from the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), the number of regular insolvencies filed in Germany... Jan 29, 2024 1 min read USA changes Ukraine strategy The new US strategy to support Ukraine is not aimed at regaining control of its lost territories in 2024, but at defending and... Jan 29, 2024 4 min read “Without military help, the war in Ukraine would have ended long ago” The AfD politician Gunnar Lindemann, who is controversial in Germany < /u> has been a member of the Berlin House of Representatives since... Jan 29, 2024 2 min read Encrypted message: Germany's traffic light coalition could collapse in 2024 This is reported by the Czech online news magazine iportal 24, citing AfD member of the Bundestag Eugen Schmidt. The AfD's message about... 1 2 3 4 5 Special Operations Services Exporting goods to countries in the BRICS community can present your company with enormous challenges. Even when it comes to importing raw materials and other products into Germany, legally secure and smart solutions are required. Our team has been working in Germany as well as in the BRICS economic area since 1991 and has all the necessary contacts and expertise to secure your foreign business in a legally secure manner and in compliance with sanctions, even in times of political crises. Do not hesitate - let us advise you. Import Services Tell us which products and technologies your company would like to introduce from BRICS countries. We will find the right suppliers for you. Export Services Tell us what products or technologies you would like to export to BRICS countries. We will find the right customers for you. Secure Supply Chain Tell us which BRICS country the destination of your supply chain should be - we offer you legally secure supply chains without surprises. Payment Services If your customer has problems with SWIFT payments for technical reasons, we will show you legally compliant alternatives for both incoming and outgoing payments.
- Germany Investments | Mittelstand-BRICS
You would like to invest in companies in Germany to save them in economically difficult times? We prepare the necessary research and feasibility studies for you - independent, competent and open-ended Invest in Germany For investors and entrepreneurs You would like to invest in companies in Germany to save them in economically difficult times? We prepare the necessary research and feasibility studies for you - independently, competently and with an open mind. Especially today's multi-crisis offers considerable opportunities for you as an investor to get involved in German key technologies. Our models always aim at the preservation and expansion of endangered medium-sized companies that possess unique technological know-how . We are also happy to help you find German business real estate and land. Since we do not act as brokers ourselves, we can investigate the best offers on the market on your behalf - regardless of whether they are available through brokers or without brokers. Contact us Get in touch to receive further details First Name Last Name e-mail Your Message Submit Thank you for your message!
- about us | Mittelstand-BRICS
Become a partner: MITTELSTAND-BRICS is the communication and info hub for companies from BRICS States and German companies. invest in MITTELSTAND-BRICS Our platform - your chance MITTELSTAND-BRICS is the innovative platform for global exchange between German medium-sized companies and BRICS. We offer selected investors the opportunity to actively participate as partners in building the platform. If you are interested in further details and your investment volume is not less than USD 500,000, we look forward to hearing from you. make contact We look forward to a possible cooperation. first name Surname e-mail news Submit Thank you for your message!
- Sponsoring | Mittelstand-BRICS
sponsorship Get involved Request a Quote Please take a moment to fill out the form. first name LastName E-mail Subject Leave us a message... Submit Thanks for submitting!
- Mittelstand | Mittelstand-BRICS
Mittelstand in Deutschland: Fakten und Zahlen. middle class. Germany. Brics. German medium-sized businesses are the backbone of the economy. Here you will find some facts. HOME Der deutsche Mittelstand ist das Rückgrat der deutschen Wirtschaft. Er umfasst rund 99 Prozent aller Unternehmen in Deutschland und beschäftigt mehr als die Hälfte aller Arbeitnehmer. Doch wie steht es um den Mittelstand in Zeiten von Globalisierung, Digitalisierung und Klimawandel? Welche Branchen sind besonders erfolgreich und welche Herausforderungen gilt es zu meistern? Und welche Chancen bietet der wachsende Markt der BRICS-Staaten (Brasilien, Russland, Indien, China und Südafrika) für den deutschen Mittelstand? Der deutsche Mittelstand ist sehr vielfältig und umfasst Unternehmen aus allen Wirtschaftsbereichen. Laut Deutsche Wirtschaft zählen Maschinenbau, Autohandel, Automobilzulieferer, Bau, Logistik, Nahrungsmittel und Elektrotechnik zu den umsatzstärksten Branchen. Im Jahr 2021 erwirtschafteten die mittelständischen Unternehmen in Deutschland einen Gesamtumsatz von rund 2,5 Billionen Euro, was etwa 29 Prozent des gesamten Umsatzes aller Unternehmen entspricht. Die durchschnittliche Umsatzrendite lag bei 9,4 Prozent, wobei die wissensintensiven Dienstleistungen mit 12,4 Prozent die höchste Rendite erzielten. Der deutsche Mittelstand ist jedoch nicht nur ein wichtiger Wirtschaftsfaktor, sondern auch ein Innovationsmotor. Die mittelständischen Unternehmen investieren jährlich rund 70 Milliarden Euro in Forschung und Entwicklung und sind für mehr als die Hälfte aller Patentanmeldungen in Deutschland verantwortlich. Damit sichern sie sich einen Wettbewerbsvorteil auf dem globalen Markt und tragen zur Lösung gesellschaftlicher Herausforderungen bei. Zu diesen Herausforderungen gehören vor allem der demografische Wandel, der Fachkräftemangel, die digitale Transformation und der Klimaschutz. Der deutsche Mittelstand muss sich an die veränderten Bedingungen anpassen und seine Geschäftsmodelle, Prozesse und Produkte weiterentwickeln. Dazu braucht er qualifizierte Mitarbeiter, moderne Technologien und eine nachhaltige Ausrichtung. Laut einer Umfrage von KfW sehen die mittelständischen Unternehmen den Fachkräftemangel als das größte Risiko für ihre Geschäftstätigkeit an, gefolgt von der Konjunktur, dem Wettbewerbsdruck und der Digitalisierung. Doch neben den Herausforderungen gibt es auch viele Chancen für den deutschen Mittelstand. Eine davon ist der wachsende Markt der BRICS-Staaten, die zu den wichtigsten Schwellenländern der Welt gehören. Die BRICS-Staaten haben eine große Bevölkerung, eine hohe Nachfrage nach Gütern und Dienstleistungen und ein hohes Wirtschaftswachstum. Sie bieten daher vielfältige Möglichkeiten für den Export, die Kooperation und die Investition für den deutschen Mittelstand. Laut einer Studie von PwC können die BRICS-Staaten bis zum Jahr 2050 mehr als 40 Prozent des weltweiten Bruttoinlandsprodukts ausmachen und damit die führenden Industrienationen überholen. Um diese Chancen zu nutzen, muss der deutsche Mittelstand jedoch einige Herausforderungen überwinden. Dazu gehören unter anderem die unterschiedlichen rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen, die kulturellen Unterschiede, die politischen Risiken und die logistischen Schwierigkeiten in den BRICS-Staaten. Der deutsche Mittelstand muss sich daher gut informieren, vorbereiten und vernetzen, um erfolgreich auf dem BRICS-Markt zu agieren. Der deutsche Mittelstand ist also ein wichtiger Akteur in der deutschen Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Er steht vor großen Herausforderungen, aber auch vor großen Chancen. Er muss sich stetig weiterentwickeln, um seine Position zu behaupten und neue Märkte zu erschließen. Dabei kann er auf seine Stärken wie Innovation, Qualität und Nachhaltigkeit setzen und von seiner Vielfalt profitieren.
- Corporate Publishing | Mittelstand-BRICS
Publish your corporate content on Mittelstand BRICS. Corporate Publishing Mittelstand-BRICS is the leading platform when it comes to the strategic and operational exchange of information between the BRICS community and Germany / USA. Since 2024 we have been offering companies the opportunity to publish their own content on Mittelstand-BRICS. Publishing a post costs EUR 100. Why should you publish with us? Because, unlike many classic service providers in the PR sector, we are not a PR agency. Our content is read worldwide and, in addition to the member states of the BRICS community, also reaches countries in the CIS, Latin America and Africa as a continent. Publish content Contact us to publish your content on Mittelstand-BRICS. Vorname Nachname E-Mail Absenden Danke für Ihre Nachricht!
- Fachkräfte | Mittelstand-BRICS
Wir bieten deutschsprachige Fachkräfte: Busfahrer, Pflegepersonal, IT-Spezialistzen, Medizinische Berufe, MINT. Skilled workers bus driver Our bus drivers come from EU countries, have the necessary passenger transport license and speak German at least at a B2 TELC level. IT / Cybersecurity Depending on your requirements, highly qualified IT / cyberdefense specialists from NATO countries come to you. Nursing staff Our nursing staff are qualified, speak German and come from EU countries. MINT Are you looking for specialists in the MINT sector? Then you've come to the right place: All employees come from EU countries and speak German. Doctors Our doctors also have in-depth knowledge of German and come from EU countries. other professional groups Are you looking for professional groups that are not listed here? Just talk to us - we can almost certainly help you. help. Kontakt Do you like the offer? Contact us for further information. Vorname Nachname E-Mail Nachricht Absenden Danke für Ihre Nachricht!
- Premium Membership | Mittelstand-BRICS
Choose your pricing plan PREMIUM Membership € 149 149€ Every year Get 1 year access to all our articles, groups and services Select Get access to our premium content Access to all services Access to all groups PREMIUM Monthly € 14.99 14.99€ Every month Read all we publish Select Get access to our premium features and content
- Artificial Intelligence | Mittelstand-BRICS
Arttificial Intelligence for Mittelstand BRICS. Stay tuned. AI for medium-sized businesses BRICS Register now and find out when we will get started with AI for B2B. Benachrichtigen Vielen Dank!
- Forumsregeln | Mittelstand-BRICS
FORUM POLICIES Rules exist for a good reason. In principle, we at Mittelstand-BRICS encourage and demand active behavior from our members. A protected environment is very important to us. To ensure this, we have established forum rules that must be observed by all users. Do You Have Questions? Don't hesitate to write to us. RESPECT A personal attack on forum users with inflammatory messages or threatening messages is not permitted and may result in the involvement of law enforcement agencies. PROFESSIONALISM Our forum is aimed at medium-sized companies. Accordingly, we ask you to pay attention to the quality of your content.
- Kontakt | Mittelstand-BRICS
We connect BRICS with Germany. Intelligence News. Smooth Business. Smart Solutions. CONTACT US 30 North Gould Street Ste N, Sheridan, Wyoming 82801, United States Email:
- Contact Us | Mittelstand-BRICS
Mittelstand-BRICS ermöglicht den Austausch zwischen deutschen Unternehmen des Mittelstands und Unternehmen in BRICS-Staaten. Tauschen Sie sich mit anderen Firmen aus, um Ihre geschäftliche Basis trotz der politisch unsicheren Zeiten nachhaltig abzusichern. Trade with BRICS Do you have individual questions and would like to contact us? Then use the attached contact form - we will get back to you. Contact us first name Surname E-mail news Send Thanks for submitting!
- Forum | Mittelstand-BRICS
Mittelstand-BRICS ermöglicht den Austausch zwischen deutschen Unternehmen des Mittelstands und Unternehmen in BRICS-Staaten. Tauschen Sie sich mit anderen Firmen aus, um Ihre geschäftliche Basis trotz der politisch unsicheren Zeiten nachhaltig abzusichern. To test this feature, visit your live site. All Posts My Posts Login / Sign up MITTELSTAND-BRICS Das Forum Durchstöbern Sie das Forum unten und posten Sie Fragen, Tipps und alles andere, das Sie mit der Community teilen wollen. Subscribe to MITTELSTAND-BRICS Forum If you’ve not already got an account, subscribe to a plan. Log In See Plans Forum - Frameless
- Privacy Policy | Mittelstand-BRICS
MITTELSTAND-BRICS is the communication and info hub for companies from BRICS States and German companies. Data protection In this data protection declaration we inform you about the processing of personal data when using this website. Responsible Responsible for data processing CORAX CONSULTANTS LLC, 30 North Gould Street Ste N, Sheridan, Wyoming 82801, United States Personal Data Personal data is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (hereinafter "data subject"). An identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more special features that express the physical , physiological, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person. data when the website is accessed If you only use this website for information and do not provide any data, then we only process the data that is required to display the website on the internet-enabled device you are using. These are in particular: IP address Date and time of the request amount of data transferred the website from which the request is coming Browser type and browser version operating system The legal basis for the processing of this data are legitimate interests in accordance with Article 6 Paragraph 1 Subparagraph 1 Letter f) GDPR, in order to enable the presentation of the website in principle. 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Your family office not only looks after UHNWI members, but also visionary people who fit into this category? Then you've come to the right place at Mittelstand-BRICS.
Contact us so that your UHNWI do not miss the coming megatrend - and can apply as an investor in medium-sized BRICS in good time.
Discretion and anonymity are a given for us. Likewise, strict compliance with all compliance rules including AML, CTF and KYC when concluding the contract.
For questions or to contact us, please only use our contact form.