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bp launches 2021 US Impact Report: Investing in America


bp America releases latest US Impact Report, detailing its significant economic footprint in the country.

bp has invested more than $135 billion in the US since 2005, and our business activities support nearly a quarter million American jobs, contributing $60 billion to the national economy in 2021. bp has a larger presence in the United States than anywhere else in the world, and every major bp global business is active here.

bp at a glance in the United States:

  • $5.5 billion spent with local businesses in 2021

  • $60 billion invested and 245,000 jobs supported across the US

  • $4.1 billion acquisition of Archaea Energy in 2022

    •  Archaea Energy operates 50 RNG and landfill gas-to-energy facilities across the US

    • Produces around 6,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boe/d) of RNG

  • The #1 marketer of natural gas in North America

  • US onshore wind farms produce enough electricity to power 500,000 homes

  • US offshore East Coast wind projects projected to generate more than $1 billion in economic output to New York State

  • Increasing investment in onshore US oil and gas business, mostly in Texas, from $1.7 billion in 2022 to $2.4 billion in 2023

  • More than $10 billion invested in Gulf of Mexico over the past five years and another $7 billion by 2025

For more on how bp is investing in America, including in key US states, go to:


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